Getting Your Knowledge On: 7 Blogs to Follow

As a small business owner, you probably never get tired of learning new things. This is a great quality to have – after all, the more you know, the better you are able to respond to new information as a business owner and entrepreneur.

Thankfully, today it is easy to find pretty much any information you are looking for online. There are hundreds of blogs dedicated to business operations, retail, marketing, technology, small business trends and more. If you are looking for a substantial reading list going into the new year, the content is out there.

We’ve narrowed these hundreds of blogs down to a list of just seven. These seven blogs cover a wide range of topics (though a healthy amount focus on e-commerce and marketing). Most of the blogs post every day, and you can spend hours going back to cover old posts and topics. Happy reading!

Retail Geek – Online or In-Store Retail Experiences

For brick and mortar retail small businesses, this blog is a goldmine of information. It covers everything from new tech in retail to healthy management practices. The author is Jason Goldberg, a customer service designer for some of the retail giants.

Smarter Finance USA – Financing Equipment for Your Small Business

Talk about a niche topic and niche blog. Smarter Finance USA focuses primarily on just one thing: how businesses can finance equipment. It may not be the most exciting topic in the world, but it is a must-know for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Small Business Labs – Emergent Research on Small Business Trends

According to their About Us, Small Business Labs covers the most important social, technology and business trends that specifically impact both small businesses and freelancers. The articles cover everything from the cities with the most self-employed workers to the pros and cons of co-working spaces.

A Better Lemonade Stand – Resources for Young Small Businesses

With blog titles like “How to Start an Online Business When You’re Not Ready to Start an Online Business,” A Better Lemonade Stand is dedicated to making the process of starting and sustaining a small business easier.

Buffer Blog – A Marketing Blog Focused on Social Media

Social media is important for business marketing – even for small businesses. The Buffer blog dives deep into the topics and trends that are most important for their business leader audience. If you know nothing about social media marketing, this is a good place to start.

DIY Marketers – A Marketing Blog Focused on Small Businesses

Marketing doesn’t have to break the budget, and DIY Marketers shows you why. The marketing blog helps small business owners find both cost-effective and creative marketing ideas without breaking the bank. This is a good one to follow on a weekly basis, especially since marketing trends change so quickly.

Sleeknote – A Marketing Blog Focused on E-Commerce

So much of business is based online today that there are entire blogs dedicated to e-commerce. Sleeknote takes small business owners through all of the basic marketing strategies for an online business – from Facebook ads to email marketing. If your business is based online, this small business blog is sure to prove an invaluable resource.