
Building a Dynamic Website for Your Dynamic Small Business


If you are a small business owner, you know how important it is to maintain a dynamic presence with your customers. In business terms, this means constantly adapting your business activities to adapt to the needs of those who bring you business. In the Internet age, this means simultaneously updating your business website to reflect your commitment to your customers through a dynamic website.

Whether you own a family restaurant or run a tax preparer service, there is no question that maintaining an online presence is crucial to the success of your small business. Thankfully, modern technological tools allow small business owners to reflect the core of their business on their website. WordPress is one of the best online tools for small businesses, since the powerful crowdsourced program makes it easy to create and maintain a dynamic website.

What is a Dynamic WordPress Site?

In simple terms, a dynamic website is one that allows visitors to quickly and easily navigate across all of the content that you want them to access. Using WordPress makes the creation of this kind of website relatively simple, since new pages and posts can be tagged with relevant keywords and new content can be easily introduced to the front page. The platform then filters this content accordingly, letting those visiting your website easily find the information that they are looking for and that you want them to be able to find. The most important dynamic website elements for your small business include:

  • Announcements on your homepage
  • Blog posts, newsletters or other updates on a separate page
  • Testimonials or customer reviews that rotate at least once a month
  • Changing photos and updated marketing materials
  • Expandable content (e.g. “Click here for more information”)

If you run a tax preparer service and want to update your clients with tips around tax season, you can write up a blog post that will be displayed on an Updates or News page. Similarly, if you own a family restaurant you can add an announcement for your Mother’s Day special prices. Consistently updating your web presence in this way lets your clients and customers know that you are active. In the Internet age, your website may be the primary way that potential customers interact with your business – no matter what industry you are in.

“You have to have a big vision and take very small steps to get there. You have to be humble as you execute but visionary and gigantic in terms of your aspiration. In the Internet industry, it’s not about grand innovation, it’s about a lot of little innovations: every day, every week, every month, making something a little bit better.”

~ Jason Calacanis

How Can You Effectively Manage a Website for Your Small Business?

Even if you realize the importance of building a dynamic WordPress site for your small business, actually putting this into action may be easier said than done. Many small business owners are unable to find the time to consistently update their small business website, making it difficult to create a dynamic web presence. This is where outsourcing WordPress management comes in. Outsourcing your website maintenance needs leaves WordPress to the experts, and in turn allows you to focus on your customers and the core of your business. The specifics of outsourced WordPress updates is a topic for another time, but if you have any questions about WordPress updates feel free to contact us today.