Demystifying WordPress Management for Small Business Owners

There is no question that having a website is a necessary part of owning and running a small business these days. The idea of starting and updating a website can seem intimidating for many small business owners. After all, cake decorators, accountants and photographers should not have to know about web design. Thankfully, there are just a few keys to demystifying WordPress management for small business owners.

Step One: Understand The Benefits of Using WordPress for Your Small Business

Building and maintaining a website for your small business does not have to be overwhelming, mostly thanks to the near ubiquitous nature of WordPress. WordPress powers at least a quarter of all websites around the world: a total of just below 75 million sites. This is not for no reason. The list of benefits of using WordPress for a small business is long, but some of the major benefits include:

  • Create a customized domain name for your business, making it easy for customers to find and remember you.
  • Customize the design and the theme of your website, matching it to your industry and your vision for the small business.
  • Integrate Google Analytics, which can help you track who is visiting your website, how they are finding you, and how to best market to your target audience.
  • Take advantage of built in search engine optimization tools, making your website more competitive and your small business more accessible to those searching online.
  • Easily include videos, images and other media on your website, without a limit to online storage space.
  • Get email and live chat support either from WordPress itself or from the web management company that you work with.

Step Two: Know What You Are Looking for in Your Small Business Website

Of course, the key to a successful small business website is to customize the website to the business, rather than the other way around. As you get started toward WordPress management as a small business owner, it is important o know exactly what you are looking for in a website.

Do you want to recruit new customers through lead generation, or are you looking for a simple informational site? Will you need updates often, or will it remain static? Answering questions like these can put you on the right track toward understanding what WordPress management will look like for your small business. From there, you start either building or expanding on your website depending on your needs, your vision and your ability.

Step Three: Get the Help That You Need to Manage Your Small Business Website

The reason WordPress websites can seem overwhelming for small business owners is simple: most people do not know how to design or update websites. And that is just fine. Every person has his or her specialty, and unless your small business has to do with Internet technologies you most likely have never worked with web design before. This is where the outside help comes in.

Once you know what you want to do with your website, you can reach out to professionals who know what they are doing with website design and WordPress management. This last step is simple enough: all you have to do is create a list of requirements and provide timely updates. In turn, the professional company can help make the technical changes necessary for the website. This frees up your time and energy to actually run your business, and completely demystifies WordPress management for small business owners.

What Should You Include on Your Personal Website?

These days, investing in a personal website can go a long way toward setting yourself apart from your competition. Whether you are a photographer or a freelance writer, a professional looking website is essential to drawing in potential clients and showing them that you are well established in your industry.

If you are looking to establish a personal website, it is important to know what you should include on the website (and what you should not include, for that matter). While a well made website will help you attract clients, a poorly designed and executed website will most likely turn people away from your services. Make sure you have everything that you need on the website will this list of five recommendations.

Include a Written Form of Your Elevator Pitch

If you are a freelancer, you already know what an elevator pitch is: a thirty-second description of who you are, what you do, and what your vision is. Think of your personal website as the first impression that potential clients will have. With this in mind, write up short bio that highlights who you are as a person and what you do professionally. Keep it short, to the point and engaging. While introducing yourself is probably the most important part of your personal website, it is not necessary (or recommended) to include your entire life story on the WordPress site. You can leave that for another time.

Include Samples of Your Work 

An personal website can essentially act as an online portfolio. Rather than using third party freelancer sites, you can showcase your creative work on your own website. This will make you stand out from the crowd when clients come calling. While you should not include every single piece of work you have ever completed, you should curate a portfolio that highlights the very best of what you do. This is a crucial element of a personal website for everyone from photographers to copyeditors.

Include a Professional Blog Relevant to Your Industry

This aspect of a personal WordPress site will require a little more work, but it will absolutely be worth it. The idea is to regularly update your personal website with blog posts that are relevant to what you do within your industry. You should update this blog at least once a month, though once or twice a week is better. Keeping a professional blog will show clients that you are engaged and up-to-date with your industry.

Include Testimonials From People You Have Worked With

This element of a personal website may seem like a no brainer, but it is important to mention nonetheless. Besides your portfolio, including testimonials from past clients is one of the only ways that future clients will know the quality of your work, your communication and your commitment. If you don’t have any written reviews, send out a few emails to clients asking for testimonials that you can put up on your website. A handful of positive testimonials will go a long way toward rounding out your personal website and setting you up for success.

The Key to Outsourcing Web Management

Outsourcing web management can save a small business owner a great deal of time and money. However, the idea of outsourcing everything web-related can seem daunting at first. So what are the benefits to outsourcing web maintenance, and what is the key to this outsourcing process?

The Benefits of Outsourcing Web Management

Before turning to how to best ensure success in this area, it is also important to discuss the various benefits of outsourcing web management in the first place. The exact benefits of this process will depend on both the needs and abilities of each small business. However, some of the key benefits to outsourcing web management include the following:

  • It allows small business owners to stay focused on the core of their business without getting bogged down in the details of web maintenance.
  • It lowers the overall cost of having a web presence. Not all costs have a dollar sign – sometimes time is the biggest cost for small business owners.
  • It allows business owners to use the expertise of individuals who know exactly what they are doing.
  • It allows business to grow through search engine optimization and driving more traffic to a website.

Outsourcing web management can save you time and money while simultaneously growing your business. The key to outsourcing web management is to make it cost-effective. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about outsourcing.

The Key to Outsourcing Your Website Needs: Know Yourself

The admonition to know thyself is as relevant to the modern world of website maintenance as it was to the ancient world of Greek philosophy. Being able to hire an agency or a freelancer to run your website does not necessarily mean that you can completely take your hands off of the wheel and place everything on autopilot.

Instead, outsourcing web management and updates to your WordPress website should be part of your overall strategy. This means asking key questions both of yourself and of the person that you choose to take care of your web presence. Once these questions have been asked and answered, you will be better able to focus in on the core of your business and trust that the web presence of your small business is being taken care of.

The key to outsourcing your website needs, then, is to ask key questions. This will help you know what you expect to gain from your small business website and help those taking care of your web management know what to expect. The key questions to ask include:

  • What is the overall objective of having a relevant, quality and up-to-date website?
  • What is required to keep the website relevant to customers and potential customers?
  • How can the outsource process be road tested before fully committing to a long-term commitment?
  • How can communication be managed to ensure that both the contractor and the small business owner is kept happy and on track?
  • What steps can be taken to track website maintenance and improve along the way?

Asking all of these questions will no doubt help the small business owner ensure that outsourcing web maintenance is a cost-effective choice. The key to outsourcing web management, then, is to treat this step as any other form of investment for the small business.

4 Things Every Small Business Needs on Their Website

With the Internet such an integral part of business today, it is important to understand what elements every small business needs on their website. Having an effective web presence can either make or break a small business. Since potential customers increasingly rely on the information they find online, small business owners should be sure that they put their best foot forward when it comes to building and maintaining a website.

#1: Content Optimized for Search Engines

The fact is that the vast majority of Internet traffic comes from search engines. This means that most people coming to a small business website will do so through Google or another search engine. Because of this, every small business website needs to include optimized content. Optimized content is tailored so that search engines like Google are more likely to index it on the search results page. Some of the most best practices for optimized content includes:

  • Regularly publishing blog posts with long-tail keywords
  • Including content pages with subheadings
  • Adding images and videos on landing pages
  • Tagging images with keywords
  • Including external links on blog posts

#2: A Call to Action

Having a good website can only go so far if it does not take the next step. The goal of any marketing effort – including an effective website – is to turn leads into customers. The best way to do that online is by presenting website visitors with a clear call to action. This can take many different forms depending on the type of small business. The key is to make this step as easy for the visitor as possible. Some of the most common and effective calls to action include:

  • Signing up for an email newsletter
  • Downloading a free e-book about the industry
  • Contacting a sales representative about the small business’ services
  • Making an online purchase or visiting a physical location
  • Sharing the website or content through social media

#3: Testimonials and Reviews

In many cases, a visitor to a small business website may not know much about the small business at all. Because of this, every small business needs to include an element that makes newcomers feel more comfortable with the business. Including a testimonial page can go a long way toward building trust with potential customers. Better yet, small businesses can feature tailored testimonials on each element of their website to show the various ways they stand out.

#4: An Easy Way to Reach Out

The final element that every small business needs on their website is easy access to a contact page. It may seem relatively obvious, but many small businesses miss out on the opportunity to connect with their potential customers. A Contact Us page should be clearly displayed on the main menu, as well as at the bottom of each page. The page should be more than just an email address or phone number. Every Contact Us page should include a contact form, a physical address, an email address, at least two phone numbers, and even a Google map plug-in for local businesses.

How Effective SEO Can Help Your Small Business

SEO stands for search engine optimization, an integral process to building and maintaining your online presence as a small business. In simple terms, optimizing for search engines means making sure that your website has relevant and quality content. The right kind of content helps search engines like Google index your site and display it to people who will likely be interested in your services and what you have to say. Effective SEO brings potential customers to your site for the right reasons. So how can effective SEO help your small business? There are many benefits of SEO, but for the sake of brevity we can boil these down to three major advantages – especially for small businesses.

Effective SEO Can Help Save Your Small Business Money

One of the biggest direct costs that small businesses struggle to contend with is marketing. Small businesses want to market either to a select demographic or their local community. Most small businesses depend on word of mouth to gain and keep customers, but sometimes this is not quite enough. That is where marketing comes in. Unfortunately, marketing costs can add up quickly even for the most well established small enterprises. Optimizing your website for search engines can help you save money in this area. The most effective SEO brings in leads and potential customers from their search queries – one specific form of in-bound marketing. Most importantly, it is very cost-effective when compared to other forms of direct marketing. 

Effective SEO Can Keep Your Small Business Competitive

The vast majority of people are now online, with a significant portion accessing the Internet each and every day. As a result, effective SEO is crucial for keeping your small business competitive. It is likely that your competitors are also engaging in search engine optimization, which means that you need to act on SEO as soon as possible to ensure that your business shows up alongside the competition. Effective SEO for small businesses does not have to be complicated. In its simplest, it helps ensure that consumers interested in what you do will easily be able to find you online.

Effective SEO Can Help You Grow Your Small Business

When done right, search engine optimization does more than serve as a cost saving measure or a means to stay afloat in the midst of the competition. Instead, effective SEO can actually grow a small business. Optimizing for search engines can often bring in new leads and create new customers in people who only found your business online. Google provides several powerful tools for identifying new market segments, keywords that potential customers are using, and insight on what content form is most effective for your small business. Of course, at the center of this growth is your business website. Effective SEO is dependent on bringing leads to an engaging and dynamic website, which means that building a great website should be a small business owner’s first priority. After that, search engine optimization can help bring people into the business.

How to Outsource All of Your Web Design Needs

When it comes to outsourcing web design for small businesses, many business owners have a hard time knowing where to begin. We are here to help with that. There is no question about it: outsourcing the work that goes into maintaining your small business’ web presence can save you both time and money in the long run. Of course, getting started on the process can be a little intimidating for many business owners, particularly if they do not have much experience with WordPress or with Internet technology in general. There are at least three key considerations when you begin the process of outsourcing your web design needs and website updates.

Tip #1: Consider Your Business Needs Before Beginning

The first step to outsourcing web design and website updates is to sit down and ask yourself what you are looking for. Do you need an entire website built from scratch, or just a change to a specific page? Will you need continual support on a lead generating website, or a few updates each month to static web pages? The answers to these questions will determine which kind of service you look for when you outsource all of your web design needs. Some companies offer full service packages, covering your bases when it comes to everything from search engine optimization to the design of a website from scratch. Others (and especially freelancers) will specialize in making specific requested changes to your small business site as the need arises. The key to outsourcing website updates and even web design is to know what your needs are ahead of time in order to avoid putting the cart ahead of the horse.

Tip #2: Get Someone Who Knows More About WordPress Than You Do

This may seem to be a no-brainer, but it is nevertheless an important point. Even if you know a great deal about web design and are looking to outsource simply to save time, getting someone more knowledgeable than yourself will most likely turn out to be a lifesaver at some point. Rather than needing to continually follow up with the person you have hired to make updates, getting someone who knows more about WordPress than you do means they have both the skill and experience to get what you are looking for done with minimal feedback and direction. Accept nothing less than a WordPress expert. Outsourcing is a balance of saving both time and money – putting a little bit more money in at the outset will help save you time down the road.

Tip #3: Take the Time to Find the Best Option for Your Business

With the Internet such an integral part of daily life, there are hundreds of different companies and thousands of individual freelancers that offer web design and web maintenance services. With the abundance of results that a quick Google search returns, it can seem overwhelming to find just one that fits your business needs. However, taking a couple of extra hours to look at samples, request references, and even email back and forth a bit to consider communication and customer service will save you quite a bit of time in the long run. Expertise is not the only aspect to consider when you are looking for freelance help with your small business website; open and clear communication will prove just as important.

If you have any follow up questions about how to outsource all of your web design needs, feel free to contact us today!

5 Reasons to Have a Responsive Web Design

The idea of creating a responsive web design for your small business site may seem a little daunting at first. But there are plenty of reasons that a responsive website is worth the investment. As Internet technologies grow exponentially, mobile usage has exploded at the same time. This means that more and more Internet users – and potential customers – are using their smartphones rather than a desktop computer to access social media and websites. In simple terms, responsive web design means creating a website that automatically changes its format depending on the device – from a PC desktop to a smartphone, responsive websites do just that: respond. This opens up a unique opportunity for the average small business owner to create a responsive WordPress site.

Reason #1: Responsive Web Design Means a Better User Experience Means More Customers

First impressions are everything, even when it comes to designing and maintaining a great website for your small business. Keeping a responsive web design means that if someone accesses your website from their laptop or smartphone, they will have the same straightforward experience. The easier information and services are accessed on your website, the more leads and customers you will generate.

Reason #2: Responsive Web Design Lets You Target an Audience on Mobile

Today, more than half of website traffic around the world is from mobile devices like smartphones. Taking the time to build a responsive website can quickly translate into a wider audience base. If someone comes to your website on a mobile phone and it is difficult to navigate, they may quickly navigate away. A responsive WordPress site helps encourage potential customers to stay on your website for longer.

Reason #3: Responsive Web Design Ranks You Higher on Google

There is no question about it – having a website that responds across multiple devices directly translates into a higher ranking on search engines like Google. Search engine optimization is the name of the game these days, and having a single URL for your website gives you a better ranking – particularly on Google. The long and short of it is that a responsive site can easily give you an edge over your competition when it comes to inbound traffic.

Reason #4: Responsive Web Design Means Managing One Website for Difference Devices

 While creating a site for different devices may sound more complicated at the outset, a responsive webpage can actually save a great deal of time in the long run. Having just one responsive website means that it is the only site that you will need to manage and update consistently. Not only that, but having just one site also directly reduces the cost associated with having a web presence, directly resulting in a higher return on investment.

Reason #5: Responsive Web Design Utilizes A Reciprocal Relationship Between Mobile Websites and Social Media

People regularly access websites through social media rather than search engines, and more people are using social media everyday. Since a great deal of social media activity happens on an Android or an iPhone, you will want to be sure that there is a seamless transition between your business’ social media page and your business website. This is where investing in a responsive WordPress site comes in.

Building a Dynamic Website for Your Dynamic Small Business


If you are a small business owner, you know how important it is to maintain a dynamic presence with your customers. In business terms, this means constantly adapting your business activities to adapt to the needs of those who bring you business. In the Internet age, this means simultaneously updating your business website to reflect your commitment to your customers through a dynamic website.

Whether you own a family restaurant or run a tax preparer service, there is no question that maintaining an online presence is crucial to the success of your small business. Thankfully, modern technological tools allow small business owners to reflect the core of their business on their website. WordPress is one of the best online tools for small businesses, since the powerful crowdsourced program makes it easy to create and maintain a dynamic website.

What is a Dynamic WordPress Site?

In simple terms, a dynamic website is one that allows visitors to quickly and easily navigate across all of the content that you want them to access. Using WordPress makes the creation of this kind of website relatively simple, since new pages and posts can be tagged with relevant keywords and new content can be easily introduced to the front page. The platform then filters this content accordingly, letting those visiting your website easily find the information that they are looking for and that you want them to be able to find. The most important dynamic website elements for your small business include:

  • Announcements on your homepage
  • Blog posts, newsletters or other updates on a separate page
  • Testimonials or customer reviews that rotate at least once a month
  • Changing photos and updated marketing materials
  • Expandable content (e.g. “Click here for more information”)

If you run a tax preparer service and want to update your clients with tips around tax season, you can write up a blog post that will be displayed on an Updates or News page. Similarly, if you own a family restaurant you can add an announcement for your Mother’s Day special prices. Consistently updating your web presence in this way lets your clients and customers know that you are active. In the Internet age, your website may be the primary way that potential customers interact with your business – no matter what industry you are in.

“You have to have a big vision and take very small steps to get there. You have to be humble as you execute but visionary and gigantic in terms of your aspiration. In the Internet industry, it’s not about grand innovation, it’s about a lot of little innovations: every day, every week, every month, making something a little bit better.”

~ Jason Calacanis

How Can You Effectively Manage a Website for Your Small Business?

Even if you realize the importance of building a dynamic WordPress site for your small business, actually putting this into action may be easier said than done. Many small business owners are unable to find the time to consistently update their small business website, making it difficult to create a dynamic web presence. This is where outsourcing WordPress management comes in. Outsourcing your website maintenance needs leaves WordPress to the experts, and in turn allows you to focus on your customers and the core of your business. The specifics of outsourced WordPress updates is a topic for another time, but if you have any questions about WordPress updates feel free to contact us today.